2008 RIDE CALENDAR Links:Calendar
Guide Different bike clubs use different methods for ride leaders to convey
information about their rides so that interested riders can determine if a ride
is suited for them. Our definition of ride pace has not been published since we
went to the electronic newsletter format. I have included it in the paragraph
below, since there has been much confusion and disagreement about what actually
constitutes the different pace rides. Also below, you will find the ride classification
table found on our web page. Ride
leaders should not feel restricted by the designations. If they want to customize
the pace, they can for example, write B+ pace to indicate they will
be getting into the high end of B and into some F perhaps. Or the leader could
write My B pace, if he/she has led enough rides that riders know how
their rides usually go. Or, you could write M/B, to indicate somewhere between
an M ride and a B ride. Pace
Definition: Rides are classified according to terrain and pace. Terrain
is described in terms of local roads. Pace is defined by the riding speed on flat
ground in calm air when not drafting. Average pace will be lower and will vary
with terrain and other conditions. 
Please refer to the club website for a description of the "ride
classifications", under the "rides" pull down menu
bar. Riders are encouraged to explore the full site. Members are also encouraged
to join the FFBC Yahoo Group to receive the latest updates on club
1st Saturday of the Month" Club Ride, FFBC "Get-To-Know-Us-Ride",
Evening Calaveras Summit Ride,Walt's 5th Annual Happy Birthday Ride,Mt. Diablo
"Challenge,.Old La Honda.
Week In SEPT1st Week in September Mon. Sept. 1 Palomares
& Kilkare 8:30 AM 40 Miles, 4M Meet in Sunol in the school parking lot
for a little Labor Day fun. We'll head down Niles Canyon and before turning up
Palomares. From Palomares, we'll make our way back to Sunol via Dublin Grade and
Foothill. If you haven't had enough fun for this great work holiday, you can climb
to the top of Kilkare and coast back down to the school in Sunol. We will maintain
an "M" pace and provide enough regroups to keep us together for the
duration. This is a great ride and pace for Cinderella graduates who can maintain
an "M" pace and are not intimidated by a few hills. Bring plenty of
water and snacks as there will not be a coffee stop until we return to Sunol.
Temperatures over 90??may cancel ride. Karen White (510) 475-0746;
Mon. Sept. 1 Monday Morning Recovery Ride 8:30 AM 40 miles, 1-2 M Let's
meet at the Bicycle Garage at 8:30 for an 8:45 start to an easy-going ride down
Paseo Padre to South Grimmer. Then it's a flat ride down past Club Sport to the
end of Fremont Blvd. We'll turn around and have a coffee break at a local Starbucks
and make our way over to Coyote Hills for a trip back on the trail, ending our
ride well before 12:30 (on rare occasions we may head directly home after coffee,
shortening the ride to about 30 miles and getting back close to 11:30). Elevation
gain is 465 feet. Rain or threat of rain cancels. If rain threatens, call me between
7:30 and 8:00 on the day of the ride. Mike Northrup;
(510) 796-8832 Tue Sept. 2 Show and Go 9:00 AM 20-50 miles, 1-5 L-M-B Meet
at the Bicycle Garage, at the corner of Thornton and Balboa Way. Wed Sept.
3 Mid-week Morning Ride 8:30 AM 35-45 miles, 2-3 M/B Meet at Newark Java
in the Raley's shopping center at Jarvis & Newark Blvd., for a ride across
the Dumbarton Bridge to a destination on the Peninsula. This will be a fun ride
en route to a coffee/snack stop, so bring $$. Al Quintana (510) 760-9245; Thur. Sept. 4 Thursday Morning Coffee Ride 9:00AM
20-40 miles, 2-3M (M+, flats) Come ride with a fun, welcoming group. We meet
at Newark Java in the Raley's shopping center parking lot. Sometimes we just go
to Union City via Nike Hill. More often, we cross the bridge and ride to Shoreline,
Robert's Market, do "Margaret's Ride", or we get adventurous and find
new routes. There are no route sheets so we regroup as necessary. We stop for
coffee so bring money. Faster riders are welcome to head back early if they know
the route. Rain cancels. Lori Sommer (510) 794-8624 home, (510) 693-8624 cell; Fri. Sept. 5 The Friday Bike Club 8:30 AM 35-45
miles, 3-4 M/B Meet at the Castro Valley Park & Ride Lot. Bring $$ for
a coffee stop. Al Quintana (510) 760-9245; Sat.
Sept. 6 Calaveras Clockwise 8:30 AM 40 miles, 3 M & B This is our traditional
"1st Saturday of the Month" ride. We will meet in the Downtown Niles
Parking Lot and ride up Niles Canyon into Sunol then on to Calaveras. Our traditional
route brings us out in Milpitas and we return via a route that stays close to
the hills. There will be a ride leader for the pace(s) listed below. Rain or a
serious threat of rain cancels. M Pace: TBD B Pace: Tim & Robin O'Hara,
(510) 471-2464;
Sun Sep 7 Mtn Bike Ride 8:30
AM 16-21 Miles 3-4 M-B Come join Andy to ride some of the best mountain biking
on the Peninsula. We will ride up Alpine Road with destinations to vary once we
reach the top. The terrain varies between single track and fire road. Riding on
the Peninsula beats anything found locally. Meet at Windy Hill Parking Area located
on Portola Valley Road. If you wish to carpool or have any questions about this
ride please call or e-mail me. Andy Payne (510) 795-1802;
Sun. Sept. 7 Show and Go 8:30 AM 20-50 miles, 3-4 B Meet at downtown
Niles Sun. Sept. 7 Over the Hill to Woodside 8:30 AM 45 Miles, 4M Meet
at Newark Java for a trip over the Dumbarton Bridge to warm-up before our ascent
of Edgewood. After a coffee, water and snack stop at Roberts Market we will return
to Newark via the scenic route up Godetia, Jefferson and Farmhill before making
our way back to the Dumbarton Bridge and home. This ride is recommended for Cinderella
graduates who have continued to ride, can maintain an "M" pace and are
not intimidated by a few challenging hills. We'll stop at Roberts Market for water
and snacks. Plan on enough regroups to keep us together for the duration. Temperatures
over 90? may cancel ride. Karen White (510) 475-0746;
Week In SEPT
Mon. Sept. 8 Monday Morning Recovery Ride 8:30 AM
40 miles, 1-2 M See the listing of Mon. Sept. 1 for complete details of this
recurring ride starting at the Bicycle Garage. Mike Northrup;
(510) 796-8832 Tue Sept. 9 Show and Go 9:00 AM 20-50 miles, 1-5 L-M-B Meet
at the Bicycle Garage, at the corner of Thornton and Balboa Way. Wed. Sept.
10 Mid-week Morning Ride 8:30 AM 35-45 miles, 2-3 M/B Meet at the Niles
Staging Area parking lot located at the east end of the Alameda Creek Trail. We
will do a loop around Fremont-Newark en route to a coffee/snack stop, so bring
$$. Al Quintana (510) 760-9245; Wed. Sep 10
Evening Calaveras Summit Ride 6:00 PM 28 miles, 4T to M This is a terrific
after work ride to unwind and enjoy some peace and quiet. Meet in Sunol on Calaveras
Rd at the highway 680 exit. We gather on Calavaras Rd 50 yards south where you
can park your car. You will need a headlight and taillight. Connie Nelson cell,
408-896-4581; Wynn Kageyama (510) 659-1360 home
office, (408) 499-0881 cell,
Thur. Sept. 11 Walt's
5th Annual Happy Birthday Ride 9:00 AM 20miles, 2T-M Meet at Newark Java
to celebrate Walt's 77th Birthday. We will head around Coyote Hills, accompany
Walt on his annual trek up Nike, head to Pacific Commons for ice cream at Cold
Stone, sing happy birthday and take another picture. If you haven't yet met Walt
Thomas, this would be a great time to do it. Hopefully the "old regulars"
will dust off their bikes and join us too. Bring money for ice cream/coffee. Lori
Sommer (510) 794-8624 home, (510) 693-8624 cell; Fri.
Sept. 12 The Friday Bike Club 8:30 AM 35-45 miles, 3-4 M/B Meet at the Castro
Valley Park & Ride Lot. Bring $$ for a coffee stop. Al Quintana (510) 760-9245; Sat. Sept. 13 Five Canyons (or more) 8:00 AM 40+
miles, 4 B Meet at Niles Parking Lot to ride the Five Canyons Loop, but instead
of coming back through Sunol, let's add a few more canyons with a climb up the
Dublin Grade and then return via the north/backside of Palomares Road. Joe
Trabucco (510) 928-6840; Sat. Sept. 13 Show and Go 8:30
AM 20-50 miles, 1-4, L-T-M-B Meet at Newark Java in the Raley's shopping center
at Jarvis & Newark Blvd. Sun. Sept. 14 FFBC "Get-To-Know-Us-Ride" 9:00
AM 20-25 miles, 1-2 L-T-M Please join us on this monthly "Get-To-Know-Us-Ride".
This casual, social ride is always fun and offers everyone the chance to meet
other cyclists. Bring your cycling friends along and help us introduce newcomers
and guests to the club. Meet at Newark Java in the Raley's shopping center at
Jarvis & Newark Blvd., for a ride through the Fremont area. Don't forget $$
for a coffee/snack stop. If you have a club jersey or jacket, this is a great
time to wear it. Ken and Iris Goldman, 510-791-1095; Sun.
Sept. 14 Show and Go 8:30 AM 20-50 miles, 2-4 M-B Meet at downtown Niles
Week In SEPTMon.Sept 15 Palomares Road 8:30 AM appx 35 miles 3
Meet at Niles parking lot on H street. Wind our way through Niles Canyon
to Palomares through Castro Valley. Up Five Canyons Parkway cutting through East
Bay Hayward. Find our way home on Foothill. Will be stopping for a coffee break. Linda
Fung - or 510.861.6064 Mon. Sept. 15 Monday Morning
Recovery Ride 8:30 AM 40 miles, 1-2 M See the listing of Mon. Sept. 1 for
complete details of this recurring ride starting at the Bicycle Garage. Mike
Northrup; (510) 796-8832 Tue Sept. 16 Show and Go 9:00
AM 20-50 miles, 1-5 L-M-B Meet at the Bicycle Garage, at the corner of Thornton
and Balboa Way. Wed Sept. 17 Mid-week Morning Ride 8:30 AM 35-45 miles,
2-3 M/B Meet at Newark Java in the Raley's shopping center at Jarvis &
Newark Blvd., for a ride across the Dumbarton Bridge to a destination on the Peninsula.
This will be a fun ride en route to a coffee/snack stop, so bring $$. Al Quintana
(510) 760-9245; Wed. Sep 17 Evening Calaveras Summit
Ride 6:00 PM 28 miles, 4T to M This is a terrific after work ride to unwind
and enjoy some peace and quiet. Meet in Sunol on Calaveras Rd at the highway 680
exit. We gather on Calavaras Rd 50 yards south where you can park your car. You
will need a headlight and taillight. Connie Nelson cell, 408-896-4581;
Wynn Kageyama (510) 659-1360 home office, (408) 499-0881 cell,
Thur. Sept. 18 Thursday Morning Coffee Ride 9:00 AM 20-40 miles, 2-3M
(M+, flats) See the listing of Thur. Sept. 4 for complete details of this recurring
ride starting at Newark Java. Lori Sommer (510) 794-8624 home, (510) 693-8624
cell; Fri. Sept. 19 The Friday Bike Club 8:30
AM 35-45 miles, 3-4 M/B Meet at the Castro Valley Park & Ride Lot. Bring
$$ for a coffee stop. Al Quintana (510) 760-9245; Sat
Sep 20 Mtn Bike Ride 9:00 AM 16-21 Miles 3-4 M-B Come join Andy to ride
some of the best mountain biking on the Peninsula. We will ride up Alpine Road
with destinations to vary once we reach the top. The terrain varies between single
track and fire road. Riding on the Peninsula beats anything found locally. Meet
at Windy Hill Parking Area located on Portola Valley Road. If you wish to carpool
or have any questions about this ride please call or e-mail me. Andy Payne
(510) 795-1802; Sat. Sept. 20 Calaveras Counter Clockwise 8:30
AM 42 miles,3 M, 1900 feet. We will start in Downtown Niles, and take the Paseo
Padre route down south. We will regroup at Ed Levin Park and after that, climb
the wall. Bring lots of fluids and a snack as any stop where we can buy food and
drink is not until Sunol. Rain or a serious threat of rain cancels. Call me after
7am. M Pace: Tony Flusche, (510) 247-3220, Sat. Sept. 20
Show and Go 8:30 AM 20-30 miles, 1-3 L-T Meet at Mission Coffee on Washington
Blvd, near Mission Blvd. Sun. Sept 21 Show and Go 8:30 AM 20-50 miles,
1-4, L-T-M-B Meet at Newark Java in the Raley's shopping center at Jarvis &
Newark Blvd.
Week In SEPTMon. Sept. 22 Monday Morning Recovery Ride 8:30
AM 40 miles, 1-2 M See the listing of Mon. Sept. 1 for complete details of
this recurring ride starting at the Bicycle Garage. Mike Northrup;
(510) 796-8832 Tue Sept. 23 Show and Go 9:00 AM 20-50 miles, 1-5 L-M-B Meet
at the Bicycle Garage, at the corner of Thornton and Balboa Way. Wed. Sept.
24 Mid-week Morning Ride 8:30 AM 35-45 miles, 2-3 M/B Meet at the Niles
Staging Area parking lot located at the east end of the Alameda Creek Trail. We
will do a loop around Fremont-Newark en route to a coffee/snack stop, so bring
$$. Al Quintana (510) 760-9245; Thur. Sept. 25 Thursday
Morning Coffee Ride 9:00 AM 20-40 miles, 2-3M (M+, flats) See the listing
of Thur. Sept. 4 for complete details of this recurring ride starting at Newark
Java. Lori Sommer (510) 794-8624 home, (510) 693-8624 cell;
Fri. Sept. 26 The Friday Bike Club 8:30 AM 35-45 miles, 3-4 M/B Meet
at the Castro Valley Park & Ride Lot. Bring $$ for a coffee stop. Al Quintana
(510) 760-9245; Sat. Sept. 27 Alum Rock Park/Sierra
Road 8:00 AM 50+ miles, 5 B Meet at Niles Parking Lot and ride south to
Alum Rock Park, then head back to take on Sierra Road, down Felter/Calaveras,
and return via Mission Blvd. Joe Trabucco (510) 928-6840; Sat.
Sept. 27 Climb to Grant Park 8:30 AM 45 Miles, 4M Join us at the Long's
Shopping Center on Warm Springs for a late summer trip to Grant Park on Mt. Hamilton
Road. This ride will take us through Alum Rock Park (provided it is not closed
to due fire warning) and on to Miguelito before finding our way to Mt. Hamilton
Road for our ascent to Grant Park. This ride is doable for Cinderella graduates
who have continued to ride, can maintain an "M" pace and are able to
sustain a long steady climb. Plan on enough regroups to keep us together for the
duration and a coffee and snack following our descent. Temperatures over 90? may
cancel this ride. Karen White (510) 475-0746; Sat.
Sept. 27 Mt. Diablo "Challenge" 8:30 AM 50 miles, 5B If you haven't
had the chance to ride "Devil's Mountain" yet this year, here you go!
We'll start at the Pleasanton Park and Ride (Stoneridge and Johnson Dr, first
light after turning right on the Stoneridge exit off 680 North). The idea will
be to ride to the start of the climb together-at an easy pace--then head up the
mountain at our own individual speeds. But don't burn yourself out completely
on the climb, because we will have to ride back (no team cars allowed!). I'm not
planning to have any lunch/coffee stop, so be self-sufficient. Mike Williams
(510) 475-7215, cell (510) 364-4335,
Sun. Sept. 28
Show and Go 8:30 AM 20-50 miles, 1-4, L-T-M-B Meet at Newark Java in the
Raley's shopping center at Jarvis & Newark Blvd.
Week In SEPTMon. Sept 29 Old La Honda 8:30 AM 45 miles,4 M Meet
at Newark Java. Cruise through the usual route of Dumbarton Bridge, winding our
way through Menlo Park to Portola Valley Road. Got to go up Old La Honda to get
to the great descend of Woodside road. Will be stopping for a coffee break. Linda
Fung - 510.861.6064 Mon. Sept. 29 Monday Morning
Recovery Ride 8:30 AM 40 miles, 1-2 M See the listing of Mon. Sept. 1 for
complete details of this recurring ride starting at the Bicycle Garage. Mike
Northrup; (510) 796-8832 Tue Sept. 30 Show and Go 9:00
AM 20-50 miles, 1-5 L-M-B Meet at the Bicycle Garage, at the corner of Thornton
and Balboa Way. Upcoming Events The annual club picnic will be on
Sunday, October 5 at Quarry Lakes recreation area in Fremont.