Volume 43, Issue 8, August 2015

What is this photo and why is it in our FFBC cycling newsletter! To find out more about it and who is in "Beast Mode" in the photo, go to our August Member Spotlight. Photo courtesy John Horton.
Note: the September newsletter will not be published until after September 10 due to vacation.
Newsletter Team
Marcella Casebolt
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From the Summit Message
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Reminders & Happenings
FFBC Gear - Get in the program
FFBC Logo Bike Clothing & Custom-made Clip-On Bike Mirrors: Jerseys, windbreakers, vests, and arm warmers are available for sale. Mirrors ($10) adjusts to fit the earpiece of almost any glasses frame gives you a broader field of view, and are guaranteed for life. Contact Terri Yi at clothing-sales@ffbc.org for clothing, and Molly and Neil Michelfelder (510) 797-6458 for mirrors
Board Meeting Minutes
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Club Member Spotlight
The Pedaling and Paddling Connection Scenic Ride to the Dragon Boat Races!... read more
Special Happenings
Our Next FFBC Meeting... Donation Committee Meeting...Save The Following Dates!!!... The Pizza Rides are Still On!... Ride For The Roses Redux... Tomales Bay Oyster Ride... Stage 3 Mt. Hamilton... Dale and Ken's Excellent Adventure... read more
August Ride Calendar
Ride Leaders
Visit our Website
Making a Move?
Please notify Becky Denevan membership@ffbc.org