Volume 34, Issue 3, March 2006

Summit of Sierra Road with snow covered hills background, prior to Tour of California Stage 2 by N. Marshall 2/18/2006.
Photo and article submissions for each month’s e-Newsletter must reach Karen White by the 20th of the month.
Newsletter Team
Marty Heinrich
Jamie Hyams
Wynn Kageyama
Karen White
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Race Team Report – February 18, 2006
by Richard Brockie
Sometimes a bicycle gets you to places not accessible by car... After leading the beginners' session at the velodrome yesterday, I set out from Hellyer looking to climb Mt. Hamilton. I decided on a whim to cut the corner and climb Quimby instead of going all the way north to Alum Rock.... read more
Reminders & Happenings
March Business Meeting and Program
Thursday, March 2– 7:30 p.m.
REI: 43962 Fremont Blvd, Fremont, CA 94538, (510) 651-0305
Located next to Home Depot
Program: My Favorite Rides with Brad Baldwin
Membership renewal is due January 1, 2006. Please print and complete the attached file http://www.fremontfreewheelers.org/docs/Membership.pdf and mail, along with your dues, to Fremont Freewheelers Bicycle Club, attention of Dave Ransom, P. O. Box 1868, Fremont, CA 94538.
FFBC Gear - Get in the program
Real FFBC gear can be purchased either at FFBC's monthly meeting or by calling for an appointment at our home. Molly and Neil Michelfelder (510) 797-6458.