Volume 37, Issue 2, Febuary 2009

Dale Blanchard's Life Changing Trip to Baltistan, Pakistan
Photo and article submissions for each month’s e-Newsletter must reach Burcu Ozserim (ffbc.newsletter@gmail.com) by the 20th of the month.
Newsletter Team
Wei Sun
Burcu Oszerim
Karen White
Wynn Kageyama
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From the Summit Message
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Reminders & Happenings
Save the Date: Saturday, February 21, 2009
Almost End of Winter Toast in the Spring Party
6pm-9pm, at Los Cerritos Community Center, 3377 Alder Ave., Fremont
Music, wine, sodas provided. Live music is always welcome, if you would like to volunteer email Mary Lou (outdoormary@hotmail.com). Pot Luck Dinner (details to follow). We would like to gather club photos from any previous rides and/or activities of club functions. You can burn these to CD's, or send via email in high resolution quality, or transfer to USB thumb drive (which will be returned to you). Mike Northrup has generously "volunteered" to organize this presentation for us . He will need some time before the 21st to put this together, so would appreciate receiving them soon.
FFBC Gear - Get in the program
FFBC Logo Bike Clothing & Custom-made Clip-On Bike Mirrors: Jerseys ($52), windbreakers ($45), vests ($45), arm warmers ($20), headbands ($5), and DeFeet socks ($6) are available for sale. Mirrors ($10) adjusts to fit the earpiece of almost any glasses frame gives you a broader field of view, and are guaranteed for life. These items can be purchased either at FFBC's monthly meeting or by calling for an appointment at my home. Ed Tanaka (510) 657-5068 for clothing, and Molly and Neil Michelfelder (510) 797-6458 for mirrors.