Volume 34, Issue 1, January 2006

REMINDER!! – Membership renewal is due January 1, 2006. Please print and complete the attached file http://www.fremontfreewheelers.org/docs/Membership.pdf and mail, along with your dues, to Fremont Freewheelers Bicycle Club, attention of Dave Ransom, P. O. Box 1868, Fremont, CA 94538.

Photo and article submissions for each month’s e-Newsletter must reach Karen White by the 20th of the month.

Newsletter Team
Marty Heinrich
Jamie Hyams

Wynn Kageyama
Karen White

Eagerly awaiting the White Elephant gift exchange. (Photo courtesy of Jim Marsh.)
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In this Issue...
President's Message
Club Member Spotlight
Special Happenings
January Ride Calendar

Ride Leaders/Ride Rating Categories
Special Interest


Links of Interest
Board of Directors
Ride Classification
January Club Rides
Primavera 2006
Pedal Pounder Statistics 2005  

Reminders & Happenings
January’s Business Meeting and Program
Thursday, January 6. 2006 – 7:30 p.m.
Fremont YMCA: 41811 Blacow Road
Located across from the Irvington High School
Just off Grimmer
Program: Cinderella Training Rides History (Past, Present & Future)
Presented by: Joyce Tanaka and Jamie Hyams

Presentation of February’s program will be shared by Richard Brockie, Manager of FFBC’s race team and Ron Mitchell, Ride Coordinator. We will enjoy a slide presentation of recent criteriums before moving on to the much anticipated pedal pounder awards.

FFBC’s 2005 Holiday Party
A rousing time was had by all attending this year’s Holiday Party!! Carrie Payne and her committee pulled off an outstanding party. The lavish pot luck dinner was followed by an exciting White Elephant gift exchange.

President's Message
Following November’s club meeting and very informative presentation by Alameda County’s Bay Trail Project Manager, Lee Huo, FFBC’s Board of Directors voted to make a donation to Bay Trail in memory of former member Judy Sampley and in honor of her husband and former club president, Ed Sampley.... read more

Club Member Spotlight
In a new column, Richard Brockie (Race Team Captain and Liaison) reports on the recent goings on in the Race Team.

Special Happenings

January 2005 Ride Calendar

Ride Leaders/
Ride Rating Categories


Special Interest

Visit our Website

Making a Move?
Please notify Dave Ransom

This newsletter can be found on the web at http://www.pbcsmarketing.com/fremont/newsletter.htm