Volume 34, Issue 12, December 2006

Regroup on the after Thanksgiving Day ride at Bird Rock, 17 mile drive. Photo by R Mitchell. More in our section, The Spotlight. <read more>
Photo and article submissions for each month’s e-Newsletter must reach Karen White by the 20th of the month.
Newsletter Team
Marty Heinrich
Jamie Hyams
Wynn Kageyama
Karen White
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From the Summit Message
Winter has certainly made a very audacious entrance as I sit at my computer composing this note...
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Reminders & Happenings
Holiday Party
Sunday, December 3rd – 5:30 p.m.
Los Cerritos Community Center, 3377 Alder Avenue, Fremont
Pot Luck Dinner: bring a dish to serve about 8 people. Please bring your own beverages.
Topic: After dinner we will once again repeat our traditional "White Elephant" gift exchange. Each person who wishes to participate needs to bring a wrapped gift. The rules of the game will be explained that evening by Sally Wilson. If you don't plan to participate, please stay for the fun!
FFBC Gear - Get in the program
FFBC Logo Bike Clothing & Custom-made Clip-On Bike Mirrors: Jerseys ($52), windbreakers ($45), vests ($45), arm warmers ($20), headbands ($5), and DeFeet socks ($6) are available for sale. Mirrors ($10) adjusts to fit the earpiece of almost any glasses frame gives you a broader field of view, and are guaranteed for life. These items can be purchased either at FFBC's monthly meeting or by calling for an appointment at my home. Ed Tanaka (510) 657-5068 for clothing, and Molly and Neil Michelfelder (510) 797-6458 for mirrors.
Board Meeting Minutes
There are a few interesting items discussed last month that you may want to familiarize... read more
Club Member Spotlight
A series of photos from various club photographers covering the After Thanksgiving ride along Pebble Beach. Also an FFBC Ride Leaders Tribute by Wei Sun....
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Special Happenings
FFBC'ers are invited to the annual party. A constitutional convention affecting both FFBC and the Race Team. And 2007 membership dues.... read more
December 2006 Ride Calendar
New Member/Ride Leaders
Visit our Website
Making a Move?
Please notify Dave Ransom