Photo and article submissions for each month’s e-Newsletter must reach Eve Ben-Ora ( by the 20th of the month.
From the Newsletter Editor
Let’s get to know each other better. Send photos of yourself with and without your bike helmet along with responses to some or all of the following questions:
1. How long have you been riding?
2. What got you started riding?
3. How long have you been a Freewheeler?
4. Describe your favorite bike ride/adventure.
5. Describe your most challenging bike ride/adventure.
6. Describe your longest ride.
7. What are your ride goals for 2016?
8. Share your bike wisdom.
9. Anything else you want to add….
I look forward to your submissions.
Make sure you have joined the private group for more frequent updates. Send an e-mail to when you make your request to join this closed group. Approvals will be made as soon as your e-mail is received:
Garry Birch
Tricia Conklin
Michelle Dudley
Jim Fehrle
Dave Fishbaugh
Becca Freed
Louis Friedenberg
Amy Giles
Ken Goldman
Becky Hoffmann
Donna Kaplan
Margaret Koniniec
West Kurihara
Jan Leimert
Cindy Maxwell
Vanessa McDonnell
Bianca Medina
Bob Miller
Colin Moy
Carrie Payne
Al Quintana
Prashant Singh
Conni Smith
Lori Sommer
Donna Stidolph
Joyce Tenaca
Julia Walker
The Categories, Winners and Prizes:
The Punctuality Award: Ride leader who is either the most or least punctual.
Al Quintana, “I Will Always be Punctual” Child’s Clock
The Inner Strength Under Pressure Award: Ride leader who has faced the greatest adversity while leading, whether succeeding or
Dale Blanchard, “Keep Calm and Carry On” Cookie Tin
The Best-Prepared Award: Ride leader who is the best flat fixer, problem solver and field mechanic.
Ken Goldman, “Super-Calibrated Torque Plunger”
The Safety-First Award: Ride leader who exemplifies the best or worst safety habits or employs the most safety gadgets.
John Graff, Neon-green LED Valve Cap Lights
The Most Perspirational Award: Ride leader who is either the hardest working or the sweatiest.
Mike Northrup, Cute Panda Absorbent Face Towel
The Running Nose Award: Ride leader who is the most creative or most gross user of gloves and fingers vis-à-vis the nose.
Joyce Tanaka, Pack of Adorable Baby Animal Tissues
The Most in Need of a New Bike Award: Ride leader who really ought to think seriously about upgrading or replacing their bike. (Self-nominations accepted.)
Vickie Robinson, “My New Bike Fund” Piggy Bank
The Integrity Award: Ride leader who is either above reproach or an absolute scoundrel.
Vanessa McDonnell, “Autographed” Copy of Every Second Counts by Lance Armstrong
The Grand Award and Coronation
FFBC Ride Leader of the Millennium: Ride leader who excels at everything and is beloved by all!
Lori Sommer, Regal, Jewel-Encrusted Helmet
The 2016 Primavera Century has about 900 riders registered so far. Looks like another sellout this year. The Primavera’s success depends on your help.
Volunteer registration is now open. Register online at:
We prefer that FFBC members volunteer instead of riding. There will be a workers ride the weekend before the Primavera. While volunteering is preferred, it is OK to sign-up and pay to ride.
It is also OK to do both as there are many volunteer positions that are not during the ride, such as route marking, shopping and Saturday prep. Bike sweep is actually riding during the ride, but it is with the last people to finish.
You do not have to be an FFBC member to volunteer so invite your friends, family and neighbors to volunteer.
Dennis Crovella, Volunteer Coordinator
Top of Sweigert and the SF Bay Below (photo credit: Randy Fewel)
Sydney’s second flat on Alum Rock Ride January 31 (photo credit: Randy Fewel)
Cinderella Conditioning #3, “Collier Canyon”
The SFPUC will continue to work with Alameda and Santa Clara county staff to temporarily close Calaveras Road south of Geary Road to the project site for an 18 month period starting June 2016, weekdays only. The closure is necessary to protect the safety of the public on the road, while large trucks haul sands and gravels to the site.
Contact us:
Follow us online:
24 hour- Answer Line: 866-973-1476
Join our Calaveras road notification list by emailing: or
An addendum to the last Ride Leader Award………The Ride Leader of the Millennium winner was Her Majesty, Dutchess of Fremont, Lady Lori. I just want to make sure she is called by her rightful title.
Can a printable format be also provided?
Hi Debbie: we don’t do a print version of the newsletter anymore, but you can print the online version if you want a hard copy.